Potato gnocchi 70%

A product which is a pale yellow oval shape, with grooves on one side. The high percentage of potatoes makes the product lovely and soft and gives it a particularly delicate taste. The selection of genuine ingredients together with modern processing technologies allows for the creation of a traditional product

Product code Product description Net Weigth
Shelf life (days) Temperature
°C °F
N° Cts x layer N° Cts x pallet
CEE extra CEE CEE extra CEE CEE extra CEE
VR45P Gnocchi di patate 500 120 365 Shelf stable 16 20 112 180
SC5P Gnocchi di patate 500 120 240 Shelf stable 8 10 64 100
SQ5P Gnocchi di patate 500 120 180 Shelf stable 8 10 64 100
Product Code VR45P SC5P SQ5P

Product Description

Gnocchi di patate Gnocchi di patate Gnocchi di patate
Net Weight Gr. 500 500 500
Shelf Life (day) CEE 120 120 120
Extra CEE 365 240 180
Temperature °C °F Shelf stable Shelf stable Shelf stable
Cartons per layer CEE 16 8 8
Extra CEE 20 10 10
Cartons per pallet CEE 112 64 64
Extra CEE 180 100 100

Gnocchi with Potato

A product which is a pale yellow oval shape, with grooves on one side. The high percentage of potatoes makes the product lovely and soft and gives it a particularly delicate taste.
The selection of genuine ingredients together with modern processing technologies allows for the creation of a traditional product

Product code Product description Weigth Shelf life (days) Temperature
°C °F
N° Cts x layer N° Cst x pallet
gr. CEE extra CEE CEE extra CEE CEE extra CEE
SC1 Gnocchi with potato 1000 120 280 Shelf stable 8 10 64 100
VF13 Gnocchi with potato 3000 180 365 Shelf stable 8 10 56 80
Product Code VR45P SC5P SQ5P
Product Description Gnocchi di patate Gnocchi di patate Gnocchi di patate
Net Weight Gr. 500 500 500
Shefl Life (day) CEE 120 120 120
Extra CEE 365 240 180
Temperature °C °F Shelf stable Shelf stable Shelf stable
Cartons per layer CEE 16 8 8
Extra CEE 20 10 10
Cartons per pallet CEE 112 64 64
Extra CEE 180 100 100